Monday, January 28, 2008

Out Walking

So, today, I was taking a little walk around the neighborhood and, residing in the loam under a tree was a fragmented statue that looked like it had recently resided in a garden as some little Victorian hold-over angel or sweet child. But now it's head had broken off from the body and so somebody had pitched it over the fence, where I found it. It's not every day that someone finds such a thing, so naturally I picked up the cherubic head, half covered with dirt, and took it along with me. On the way home I also found this twisty vine that had grown in this rather intricate and beautiful knot, a single red rose petal laying on the sidewalk, a pine cone, and a few leaves of oleander. When I got home, I put all the little treasures together into a little shrine in my backyard. I think that tomorrow I will take a picture and try to post it on here so you too can rejoice in my neo-paganism.

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