Monday, February 4, 2008

Where in the world IS Carmen Sandiego?

So, actually, I think I've made a little communication mistake. I realized at some point today that nobody has any idea what's going on with me currently. Or at least, maybe some of you do, but not very many.

So, I found a place to do my retreat of wonderment and inspiration. It's called L'Abri, the very first of which was founded by Francis Schaeffer in Switzerland. L'Abri means "the shelter" in French. They focus a lot on study and answering questions in ways that are applicable to real life, which I appreciate. Tomorrow I fly out at 8:30, then I have to take a shuttle from the airport, then I have to take a train. Tim optomistically thinks of this as a potential adventure, I think of it more as a long, tired day and a potential for disaster, which is what adventure really boils down to anyway.

Once again, this is an example of "S. goes off blindly without knowing what she's getting into." What do I know about this place, really? Pretty much jack. But a desperate woman will do desperate things, so they tell me.

You know, I'm wobbling on whether to divulge the depth of what I'm thinking and feeling about this voyage, but it's already fairly late, tomorrow's an early morning, and quite frankly, I don't really know what to say. I don't get myself, surprise, surprise. But, at any rate, tomorrow, I'm peacin' out.


Thryn said...

Maggie gave me a cookbook of beautiful Indian food, including a recipe for samosas, which made me think fondly of our times getting cold and hungry in London and being saved by samosas. If you see one on your adventuring today, you should eat it.

Hope said...

Oh. Yes, Peace!!!