Thursday, June 24, 2010

Something's brewing

I have been restless lately. Not lately as in this afternoon, but lately as in, well, at least a week or so. But it's strong. Suddenly I have this overwhelming desire to change everything. To move out of this house. To move out of this city. To move to a different city, or maybe to the country. To live in a cabin in the woods, away from everyone. To live in an urban commune with everything held in common. To get a dog. To get a new wardrobe. To get new friends. To get a new job. Not just a new client, but a completely new line of work. To change the season. To get a kiddie pool for the backyard. To play in the sprinkler. To go on a long, long drive, and not look back.

I feel like I used to know where my life was heading, what I wanted to be when I grew up. Now I feel like I'm just getting jobs because they sound like fun to me, but I don't really have any idea where this is all heading. Maybe that is the thing. I feel like in all this muddled desire for change, there is something that really does need to happen or to change, or something is about to happen, maybe without me doing anything. But I could not, for the life of me, say which of these things it is.

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