Saturday, March 12, 2011

Some words and things

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At this point in my life, I feel full of frustration. There are sources too numerous to mention, but one of the smallest on them is this blog. The tone is never right! It never feels like me! No matter how much I tell myself I will not feel pressured by the Watchers, I still do! Aaaarg!

But, it is Lent. And, as everyone knows, I love Lent. This year, I have decided to give up watching TV. It may shock you to know that, in spite of not having cable here in the house, I manage to watch more than a fair amount of TV between the graces of Hulu and my Netflix subscription. There are numerous reasons why I chose that this year, which I will maybe illuminate in future postings. But, for now, all you need to know that not being able to watch TV is driving me a little crazy. And, for those of you not keeping score on your liturgical calendars, Lent started on...Wednesday. I am honestly wondering how I will stick it out for 40(!) days(!) of this, but one thing I would like to do is blog more. SOME people think I have grown lax in this space (because I have) and may be on the verge of abandoning it (which I am not, I think). But I'm not doing it for SOME people. I feel like if I hung out here long enough, I could work the bugs out. I could jump the hurdles. I could catch the flying fish (I made that one up). But, I want blogging to be fun again. Maybe it will fail and I will abandon you forever and go back to journaling in private. Maybe it will be AWESOME! But, we'll give it the old college try.

Also, I want to move. I hate blogger. I want a WordPress blog. I'll get started on that. You wait here, I'll come pick you up when I'm done.

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