Tuesday, July 24, 2007

"I am Jack's smirking revenge."

Wow. So, I finally, finally, finally got my chance to watch Fight Club. And guess what happened. I didn't get any farther than halfway through when the movie started skipping. It had already skipped a little bit previously but I thought we were over all that. So by the time I skipped through all that second patch of narrative, I figured, I am going to have no idea what's going on, and I have to complain about this anyway so they don't send the disk out to someone with more pent up aggression who might have a more drastic reaction, so I'm done for the night. But I am very, very pissed off about not getting to watch the rest of the movie. I don't think I have been so intrigued by a movie in a very, very long time. Wow. I don't even know where to start but this kicks John Eldredge's wild ass. No lie. I am so high on adrenaline right now, I'm liable to say crazy things. I would really like to know where this crazy train is going to end up. But I won't be able to find out until at least tomorrow night. I don't know what I'm going to do when Heather gets back to town, I'm going to have to schedule movie nights for myself so I don't get stuck watching nothing but that PG crap.

So, the other really intriguing thing that's happening right now is that I've started reading Phillip Jenkin's The Next Christendom. I really wish that it wasn't a library book so I could write all kinds of notes in it. I think this is going to be phase I of my Nigeria prep course, not necessarily because this is an especially appropriate book, but I don't really know what I ought to be reading, so at least I'm starting with a book that mentions Nigeria (actually it talks extensively about Nigeria's role in the growth of the church in the global south, but I like to be hard on myself and my decisions.

In other news, I am applying to work at...wait for it...a Christian book superstore and...no, seriously there's more...homeschooling supplier. Wow. This place just opened not too far from me, but if I actually get called in for an interview, let alone get a job, it will prove once and for all that God has a sense of humor. But what better place to keep my finger on the pulse of evangelical thought and culture? And, as those of you who have gotten my support letter know, I have only a smidgen of time left before the money is coming due. Furthermore, I told my mother that if I didn't raise enough money, I would take it as a sign of God's disfavor on the whole venture. Hmmm...we'll see. Ummm...I think that's just about all that's going on for the moment in my intellectual life and a bit of my actual life (such as it is). Unfortunately, I can't actually talk about these things because I am in the midst of them and not actually finished with them. Maybe next time, if you're lucky.


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