Thursday, January 17, 2008

Anybody out there?


There is something that I would like to know. What are you thinking when you look at me? How angry are you with this scattered trail of failures I leave behind me? What answer will I give when you question my instability, my faithlessness, all the time I've wasted?

What will I say to you? What will I owe you if you didn't rescue me?

What will you say to me? What reward will I lose, what judgement will I suffer, because of the road I am walking? In what part of the shadow of your turned back will you place me?

What do you feel when you meet my eyes? When will you tell me? When will you show me?


Hope said...

I love you Shannon!

Jesse said...

I think He already did. Luke 15:11-32. You're the prodigal, wondering whether to go home or not.

Tim said...

Not the prodigal. Naomi, or rather, Mara, needing to see God's redemptive hand before she dies.