Saturday, August 29, 2009

Small Favor

Now my little blog buddies, you have to admit that I don't ask very much of you. Granted, you might counted that could be because I can't really seem to post more than once a week and I never give away any free stuff or anything like that. But I think, when you reflect, you get something greater than that here. There is love here. Love for you. That's what I give away every time you come. Here, have some more. *love* You're welcome.

In return for all that lovin', there's something I'd like you to do for me. I'm looking for great music. Specifically, great dancing music. I'm always up for something new, and when my routine gets a little stale, I like to be able to have a little stash of the Fresh to dip into for some inspiration. So if you have a song bopping around in the back of your mind about which you've always thought "Hey, somebody should be dancing to this!", please comment! Just so you know, I've had great luck in the past with songs by Regina Spektor, Adele, Feist, Beyonce (yeah, I do some hip hop. You gotta problem with that?) Glen Hansard et al. Just to get the juices flowing.

Let me know, pals! I can't wait to see (and hear) what gets you off your seat and on your feet!

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