Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ordinary Life

I have been thinking a lot about Story Telling, and I have more to say about it, but first I would just like to note one little thing. I feel like, for me at least, it is easy to feel like the things I have to say, or the stories that I have to tell, are not interesting because they don't feel unique. I have this weird tendency to assume that everyone's life is exactly like mine, and so no one would be interested to say. Everyone has read every night before bed for most of their lives. Everyone used to go out to their friend's horse barn in the summer and listen to country music and currycomb the horses. Everyone had a Barbie cake for their 7th birthday and their moms all walked into the house to find the dog up on the table, eating a corner. Everyone had a pirate party for their 18th birthday and went chasing around the woods looking for buried treasure. Everyone has insane allergies in the spring and fall and started getting nosebleeds when they moved to Nebraska because their was so freaking much pollen! (thanks a lot, goldenrod! I'm still a little bitter about this one) Obviously the point is that, contrary to my bizarre assumptions, those things didn't happen to everyone, they happened to me. I may have had a fairly typical life in the broad view (wasn't raised in the circus, didn't go to Hogwart's, never captured by pirates (well, except for at that party))but in the minutia, I think we're all quite extraordinary. And, in the future, I want to honor my little stories. They may be small, but, gosh darn it, they're mine!

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