Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Epic Weekend

Remember how I said that I am busy every waking weekend of my life this fall. That theme is continuing. This weekend was so jam-packed that it ended up getting spread across 4 days. Four! Yes, no, I just recounted, it really was four. Here is what was done...

--Friday: Clue party at the Cliftons. I was Miss Peacock and made myself a glorious flapper-esque headdress of feathers. Dan has pictures, so maybe one day you will be able to see me in my regalia. Post-party party was an impromptu dance time, jump around awesomeness, which was food to my soul. Remember that, everyone I've ever lived with, how we would just have these spontaneous parties of dancing, how we could not not have them? Yep, it was like that.

--Saturday: Apple picking. First though, there was a stint at Jericho Road's workshop on cultures, facilitated by Jon Arensen. Aka--listen to crazy, interesting stories about Murle, geese, cows, and being high context for an hour. Then we headed off on the most beautiful drive up to the Orchard. It was a proper fall day of the blustery, low hanging grey clouds, bundle up variety. We picked Northern Spys and Fujis and I brought home 30 pounds of apples, which are going to become the most wonderful confectionous things you ever dreamed of. Then Jer and Eric practiced throwing apples to and at one another, at trees, and for distance throws. Then on the drive home, we stopped for doughnuts at Tim Horton's. Some people drank their coffee because some people think it is something other than bilge water, but some other people know better.

--Sunday: Work stuff. Brunch with the amazing people who organized this film we were screening, including this woman who wrote a book on homeschooling and was so knowledgeable and fascinating about education, sexism, and race issues. I could have listened to her talk for three days straight. Also, sidenote: smothered cornbread. A very good idea. Then a tabling event which yours truly helped to coordinate, and general mayhem before the screening of the movie. Then, the movie "Pray the Devil Back to Hell," which focuses on the Liberian women's peace movement, which helped to bring down the oppressive Charles Taylor regime. Not your typical documentary about war torn African nation. So inspiring, so hopeful. Grassroots peace efforts can work, people! Then, reception, cheese and crackers and such.

--Monday: The pressing of the apples. I will be eternally indebted to Jeff and Thryn for coming up this fall. Ever since we went to Jeff's house to press apples back in college, it is something my soul longs to do every year! The process is gorgeous and the result ruins your life, by which I mean, in olden days, apple cider from a grocery store is something that you feel like you could enjoy. But, after you've tasted home squeezed, you can never go back. I have four large bottles sitting neatly in my freezer, we'll see how long they last, now that I've taken to drinking apple cider like it's water. We'll see...

So that was the weekend of epicness. I'll post again when life is slow and sleepy. Any day now, I'm sure...


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