Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day to Day

Well. So, that happened. Looks like it's basically been two months since I posted. Sorry about that. I've been, well, that thing that everybody is when they start neglecting their blogs for other stuff (busy, I mean busy). What's the news. Well, I was on a hefty two week long vacation for a while, hitting Mont Tremblant, Montreal, Buffalo and Pittsburgh with the fam (and the extended fam, an unusual addition to our adventures). Then no sooner did that end than I whisked away for a long weekend in Boston to visit friend-types, then back to Buffalo for a crash course in grant-writing, which will hopefully prove useful in the very near future, and some time with with WNY Young Writers' Studio, which is already proving very useful and was awesome, and I would love to elaborate, but I just don't have the time! And, that was pretty much the month of August. I would love to tell you what the heck happened in the month of July, but honestly, it's hard to remember. It was a long time ago. I think I did a lot of traveling. Let's go with that.

Other than that, well, I feel like I've been in a bit of a funk lately. I think it has a lot to do with all the crazy changes that are happening around here. Two of my good friends have moved away, as I previously mentioned, and I think I definitely feel the loss. I'm looking at the end of my current job, which despite some occasional complaints, I have loved, and looking around for something new, which may or may not be as fun or fulfilling or may not materialize at all. Let's face it, in this economy, a job should never be assumed. I'm starting another year of dance classes, even more intensely (ballet and modern! have I lost my mind?) without having any clear idea of why I'm doing this, or where it's going. Then there's the inevitable slide of summer into fall, which I can feel happening around me, and I'm not ready. I'm just not. Summer went so quickly, and sad as it is, I feel like there were many ways in which I was too busy to enjoy it.

So, this may seem like a non-sequitur, but it makes perfect sense to me: I want to do a better job of writing down my life. I feel like attentiveness is key to appreciation and appreciation is key to happiness. I would like to do a better job of appreciating what is going on around me in the day to day, and appreciate my unique voice and perspective. That's all I'm going to say right now. Let's see how this unfolds.

Here is today: my first dance class of the semester, sweat and a sore back and that old familiar feeling of being completed overwhelmed and completely determined at the same time. Also, helping a friend move, geographically, closer. I'll bring my peach pie and i-Home to enjoy while we unpack.

1 comment:

Hope said...

Did I mention that I come back to your blog every once in a while just to check out these pictures? Love!