Saturday, August 25, 2007

Oh yeah...

I realized recently that I never really concluded the story of my support raising financial woes. I think, ironically enough, I am going to be okay. I recently got an e-mail saying my administrators had calculated the cost of my domestic travel twice, so there's that much less that I needed, as well as the money I've already paid out of pocket for vaccinations. I think I'm going to be okay. I don't have to write a follow-up support letter, thank God. I might even be leaving on time. Communications bogged down again somewhat due to jury duty and other adventures at the end of last week, but, yes. I think it's going to be okay.

I have to laugh at myself. Life seems big and scary until things start to fall into place, and even then you're terrified thinking, "Dear God, I'm so far gone that I've deluded myself into thinking things are going to be okay so easily. I need some Robitussin and a long nap." But you don't need either Robitussin or the long nap, you just need to take a few deep breaths and believe in the goodness of God, which leads very naturally into the goodness of life. Will this sustain me in the long haul? I have no freakin' idea. I surely, surely hope so, though. But for now. All I have is today to think of. And possibly tomorrow. And the next day, if I'm feeling ambitious.

Also, I bought many books of a theological nature today. I was quite, quite giddy. I felt more woozy than I did after last night's Merlot. Books go straight to my head.

But the real reason that all financial woes are behind me: My check from serving jury duty came today. I shall never go hungry again! That's right, people. Six big ones. Six, count em, six portraits of the original President George. Try not to turn green with envy. My dollar bills will already have that covered.


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