Saturday, October 11, 2008


Greetings, faithful folk who read this blog...

I don't have much of interest to say today, unfortunately. Generally these days I feel like a bathtub that's had the stopper pulled out and am watching all of my energy swirl away down the drain. But I am trying to start something new and I hope if I make mention of it in such a public forum it will be that much closer to becoming a reality. I want to become more aware of what is around me, particularly of all the good that is in the world that I see everyday and want to move even deeper into not just noticing, but fully embracing and appreciating what is around me. So I want to start asking myself the question, "What is the most beautiful thing you saw all day?" Maybe it was a bright red leaf on the sidewalk, or a feather or a smiling face. But whatever it was, I just want to have noticed it that day. So, for starters, yesterday was a tie because I saw, over a fence, the mossy roof of a little gazebo that had a beautiful wrought iron ridgepole on top. And I also got to see the sun setting over the lake yesterday and the sky was a deep color of pink and the water was blue and the behind me was my favorite color of deep blue...take my word for it, describing sunsets is not my strong suit, but this one was stellar.

Today it was the fake cobwebs that I put all around the railing of our balcony to decorate for Halloween! I love decorating and I love holidays and these cobwebs took me back to happy memories of our Halloween party in Australia. Maybe this year I'll even whip up another batch of those poop brownies that we enjoyed!!

Who knows, in the future I might even try to incorporate a little photography into the exercise. If only I weren't so averse to my current camera...oh well. What about you? What is the most beautiful thing you've seen today?



Alicia said...

yes! we should all be doing this. the most beautiful, good things from yesterday are: the flaming sunrise, a tree with golden leaves and dark bark, the recognition by a class of regular people that healthy communication is hard but so important... today, so far it's been sunshine on my bed while I was cold and covered in the sheets...

Hope said...

A beautiful scarf... blue-green and brown plaid. And my two cats snuggling on my mint-green sheets.