Saturday, October 18, 2008

Stuff I Like

Okay, here is the latest installment in "S. attempts to be grateful--Beautiful Things Edition:"

--The changing leaves. Barrage of gorgeousness, and today I get to drive for an hour and a half, by myself, marinating in beauty.

--Getting to see crew teams on a little snatch of the Niagara river on the way from being able to get a flat tire replaced for free! Thank you warranty!

--My omelette this morning--I used spinach, so it is sunny yellow, orange from the carrots, green from the spinach, and red from the hot sauce. Beautiful and tasty!

--Flamenco dancing. Live. In person. Good seats. Amazing music. Unbelievable dancing. OMG, I think the entire course of my life has just shifted. When you next hear from me, I will have exchanged a quiet, Buffalonian office existence for a gypsy camp, a billowing skirt, and a pair of clicky shoes.

And this. Discovered via another website of which I am fond,, such a witty, funny, accurate read. Like reading my life story, in embarrassing vividness. I just had to share with all of my pea-coat wearing, facebook member, Onion reading, unpaid internship working white friends! Enjoy!

Okay, now I am off to a wedding, to freeze my booty off in a dress that is completely seasonally inappropriate, but unfortunately one of the only wedding appropriate pieces of attire in my entire wardrobe. No, believe me, it is, I've thought long and hard about this.

But I promise that, soon and very soon, you will get some long, thoughtful, meaty post. Actually, it will be about dancing, I can almost guarantee, considering that's just about all I think about. Yes, still the only thing I think about. Okay then.


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