Thursday, February 26, 2009


I have some news to share. Or rather, I have some news to sort-of share. I'm very hesitant to even mention this because I know it could all fall through, but yesterday I got to see an organization that I'm completely in love with and might get to work with next year! They are an arts organization here in Buffalo and seem to be pretty game for the idea of working with me, the only road block now is the funding. But this place is amazing, with big windows that look out over houses and supplies and pictures hung all over the walls and books and CDs and musical instruments. And they do things like meditation and writing and crazy dialogues and movement and drawings and...and if I could work there, it's possible I could do something with my dancing. That it could actually be a big part of my job. Oh God. If I could do that...I feel like crying, just writing it down. Of course, whenever any good opportunity comes my way, there are the voices right there with me, telling me that it will never work out, they don't really like me, I'm not really qualified, I'll never find the money and even if I could, I wouldn't like working there if it did work out. To which I say, in my most imperious, not to be messed with tone: "Voices, shut the hell up! I am too busy working out how to make this happen to listen to you!" So, if I'm quiet these days, that's what I'm doing.

And please, if you pray, or light candles, or have focused positive meditations, or send well wishes in bottles across the seas to heaven, whatever you do, please do a little of it for me. For this. Because I want it! I want it bad!

Also, happy Ash Wednesday. Again, belated from me, but this time I did manage to observe it with ashy forehead on the proper day. Soon, more thoughts on Lent. I love Lent!


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